Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pause- It's Summer Reading Time!

Keyboard Letter Macrame Bracelet
PAUSE 2 READ is the theme of Los Angeles Public Library's Teen Summer Reading Club for 2014.

How did such a clever theme emerge, you might be biting your nails to know?

Like many things in many a library system, the teen department is but an afterthought of the children's department. And this case is no exception. The children's Summer Reading Club theme being PAWS TO READ. Awww. Cute, right?

However in this instance, I'm cool with it. There's so much to riff on when it comes to pausing. You could go in the direction of technology and music or movies. Or go the other way, in terms of stopping whatever you're doing to reflect or contemplate or enjoy the present. And getting jazzed for eight weeks of consistent programming, a luxury at my branch where I ordinarily plan but one a month, I'm in full kick-ass crafting mode.

One of my first creations: the Keyboard Letter Macrame Bracelet.

Requires cobbling together and busting up at least three or more old keyboards. Luckily the keys are easy to pop out once you open it up. It's the affixing onto a bracelet that will be a challenge, depending on how the keys affix themselves. In this case, the keys had tiny openings obstructed by a piece of plastic I had to split open with scissors. Once I did that, I could macrame my heart out in any combination of letters I so chose. Just had to super glue the macrame cord into the holes behind the keys at the end and. Voila.

Pretty kick-ass, don't you think?

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